
- Contact: Don Britt
- Phone: 027 234 9702
Our programme is dedicated to keeping members occupied. On Wednesday mornings there are no formal activities, join others in playing darts, pool, cards (currently 5 Crowns) or just socialize in the main bar. No special start time, Committee members have identifying badges, ask any for guidance or an introduction to playing members. On Thursdays we join large team playing indoor bowls in the main function room. You will usually find our contact member Don there. Please arrive by 1pm when teams are arranged.
An annual programme including trips to other clubs is finalized in January and will be on the notice board by the TAB, along with any other current information. Most trips occur on a Wednesday. Trip fees cover transport from the club and some are combined with lunch. Our adjunct also attends a 3 day North Island club sports get-together, and we are hosting this fun day in August 2025. Be a part of this exciting event.
The subscription for 2024/5 is $15.